Bounce Back Generation

What is Bounce Back Generation?
We are a resource for youth and those who care for them including parents, educators, medical professionals, and mental health providers. We are guided by sound science with content created by peers who share as they learn, and practice building resilience in response to the challenging times we are living through.
Our 3 goals:
- Share what we learn about managing our nervous system in ways that bring us healing and power.
- Reveal the science behind what makes us stronger together, using BBG’s Building Blocks for Resilience.
- Create a place that is safe, accessible, and helps visitors build confidence and become open and comfortable asking for help.
Welcome, we are glad you’re here.
Please Note: While we are guided by mental health training and professionals, we are not therapists. We are peers learning and sharing our knowledge, and urge all to reach out for help when needed through our Resources Page. To learn more about how we and Bounce Back Generation work, click here.
Thank you to Potrero Terraces and Annex residents who, for over a decade, worked with us to create the Healthy Generations Project and taught us about what true community resilience can do. Watch this video to learn more.
Health Generations Project

Jennifer Dhillon

Shankel McNeal
Program Director

Liam Donaldson
Creator Coordinator

Ren Weber
Graphics/Content Creator

Elijah Roberts
Content Creator

Kelsey Jeter
Content Creator/Community Outreach

Nassar Albaqqal
Content Creator

Paloma Wood-Assemian
Content Creator
Board Members

Megan Dunbar

Liz Polk Lynch

Robin Francis

Radha Seshagiri